How to I view Products in Specific Inventory Location?
If you would like to view only products that reside in a specific inventory location with Treez, you can use the sellable_quantity_in_location filter.
https://api.treez.io/v2.0/dispensary/DISPENSARYNAME/product/product_list?sellable_quantity_in_location=CABINET 1&page=1&pagesize=50
The above example URI would provide first 50 (page=1 and pagesize =50) sellable products in a location called "CABINET 1". The location name is case sensitive and must be entered EXACTLY as it appears in the Treez instance. "cabinet 1" would not produce the desired response because the location name is in all lowercase letters while the location name in the Treez instance is capitalized.
*Please note that DISPENSARYNAME should be replaced with the first part of the dispensaries Treez URL. Example: If the retailers Treez URL is edmundsdispensary.treez.io then you should replace DISPENSARYNAME with edmundsdispensary