Partner with Us

How to Access the SellTreez APIs and Data API and become a Partner with Treez:

SellTreez API Process:

  • During the application process you will need to sign a MNDA and our API Usage Agreement.
  • Upon signing the MNDA and API Usage Agreement, you will be provided access to a sandbox testing environment to develop your integration.
  • Once you have completed development in the sandbox environment, you can reach out to our API support team at to schedule a certification call for your integration.
    • The certification call is a demo of the integration that was built.
    • During the demo a series of questions will be asked based on the type of integration you built that focuses on how you are using our endpoints and what your call volume will look like.
    • You will also need to provide proof of support resources and documentation available for our mutual clients.
  • Complete the Partner Survey
  • Once all the steps above are completed and approved, our mutual customers can request an API Key on your behalf to allow you access to their data. Here is a support document that outlines this process.

All partners must go through the integration certification process before they can access any production environment API keys. This is to ensure a minimum standard of quality for our mutual customers.

Data API Process:

There are a few scenarios that are relevant to getting access to the Data API.

Scenario 1: Clients
  • Treez customers can access the Retail Data API if they request access to it.
  • Treez customers can also access the Market Data API. This API does have a cost associated with accessing it.
Scenario 2: Partners
  • Partners can subscribe to the Retail Data API once an agreement with Treez has been made and consent to access the data from our mutual customer has been provided.
  • Partners can subscribe to the Market Data API once an agreement with Treez has been made.