The Cash Handling Audit Log dataset provides a log of all the cash handling events that occur in a store, including details about the source account, destination account, the type of currency, and the amount of currency involved. Employee information as well as transaction notes are also logged.

Primary Key: org_id, store_id, transaction_id

store_idThe unique identifier for each store. Each store is tied to exactly one org_id
org_idThe unique identifier for each retail organization consisting of one or more stores operating with Treez
org_nameThe name of the organization
store_nameThe name of the store where the sale was made
selltreez_urlThe URL of the SellTreez Point of Sale where the sale was made
store_stateThe US state where the store is located, abbreviated (e.g., CA, CO)
store_timezoneThe timezone in which the store operates. This is returned in the Olson format (i.e., America/Los_Angeles)
datalake_store_idThe store identifier used in a legacy Treez data system
transaction_dateThe timestamp indicating when the cash handling transaction occurred. This is used to track the time of the transaction. This timestamp is encoded in the store's local time zone
store_tz_offsetThis column represents the timezone offset of the store for the given transaction date. It is calculated as the difference in hours between UTC and the store's timezone at the time of the transaction
transaction_idThe unique identifier for each cash handling transaction. This ID is used to track individual cash handling events
transaction_typeThe type of cash handling transaction. Examples include "CASH TO VAULT", "VENDOR PAYMENT", "CASH DROP", "ADJUST END OF SHIFT CASH", "TRANSFER", "SET FLOAT"
amountThe amount of currency involved in the cash handling transaction. This can be a positive or negative value
currency_typeThe type of currency involved in the cash handling transaction. This can be cash or any payment type being used in Treez Pay
source_account_idThe unique identifier for the source account in SellTreez for the transaction
source_account_nameThe name of the source account in SellTreez for the transaction
destination_account_idThe unique identifier for the destination account in SellTreez for the transaction
destination_account_nameThe name of the destination account in SellTreez for the transaction
destination_account_typeThe type of the destination account used in the cash handling transaction. Examples include "MAIN_VAULT", "INTERNAL_BANK", "INCOMING_SALES"
user_idThe store-level unique identifier of the user who conducted the transaction
user_mso_idThe organization-level unique identifier of the user who conducted the transaction
user_employee_numberThe employee number on the employee profile of the user who conducted the transaction
user_nameThe username on the employee profile of the user who conducted the transaction
transaction_notesThe notes associated with the cash handling transaction
last_syncA timestamp field that records the last time the data was synchronized into the Treez Data Warehouse. This is useful for tracking data changes and updates. To check for new or changed records, query for records where the last_sync timestamp is greater than the greatest timestamp in your data store
record_loaded_atThis column represents the timestamp when the record in the database was last updated, encoded in the store's local time zone