The Current Inventory dataset provides a view of the current inventory levels at each store at the time of the last sync. It contains all relevant inventory batch and product information as well as relevant quantities.

Primary Key: org_id, store_id, batch_id, inventory_id

store_idThe unique identifier for each store
org_idThe unique identifier for each retail organization
org_nameThe name of the organization
store_nameThe name of the store
selltreez_urlThe URL of the SellTreez Point of Sale
store_stateThe US state where the store is located
store_timezoneThe timezone in which the store operates
datalake_store_idThe store identifier used in a legacy Treez data system
store_tz_offsetThe timezone offset of the store
batch_idThe human-readable batch identifier for the batch of inventory
inventory_idThe unique identifier for the inventory batch
inventory_typeThe inventory type of the inventory batch
inventory_location_idThe unique identifier for the inventory location
inventory_location_nameThe name of the inventory location
inventory_location_is_sellableA boolean field indicating whether the inventory at the given location is sellable or not
product_idThe unique identifier for the product in inventory
product_brandThe brand name of the product
product_nameThe name of the product
product_menu_titleThe menu title of the product
product_typeThe type of the product
product_subtypeThe Sub Type or Sub Category of the product
product_barcode_skusThe SKU numbers associated with the product barcodes
product_classificationThe classification field of the product
product_amountThe amount field of the product
product_unitofmeasureThe unit of measure field of the product
product_sizeThe product size
product_size_formattedA calculated field that combines Product Amount and Unit of Measure fields
product_internal_tagsInternal tags associated with the product in inventory
product_external_idsExternal ID(s) associated with the product
units_availableThe number of units currently available in inventory and ready for sale
units_reservedThe number of units currently reserved by online orders or saved sales
units_packed_and_readyThe number of units packed and ready for a pickup or delivery order
units_remainingThe total number of units remaining in inventory
units_soldThe number of units sold out of the inventory batch
invoice_idThe unique identifier for the invoice containing the original package of inventory
invoice_numberThe numeric identifier assigned to the invoice
invoice_line_idThe unique identifier for each line item in an invoice
package_idThe unique identifier for the original package of inventory received
package_labelThe package label of the original package containing the batch of inventory
package_manifest_numberThe shipment manifest number associated with the package
distributor_idThe unique identifier for the distributor
distributor_nameThe name of the distributor
cost_per_unitThe cost per unit paid to the distributor
excise_tax_per_unitThe excise tax portion of the cost on the invoice line
true_cost_per_unitThe true cost per unit paid to the distributor
harvest_dateThe date when the units in the batch of inventory were harvested
packaged_dateThe date when the units in the inventory batch were packaged
inventory_received_dateThe date when the batch was received into inventory
expiration_dateThe expiration date of the units in the batch of inventory
last_syncA timestamp field that records the last time the data was synchronized into the Treez Data Warehouse
record_loaded_atThe timestamp when the record in the database was last updated