JUMP TOv2 SellTreez APIsAuthenticationGenerate bearer tokenpostTicketsGET/ Ticket by Ticket_IDgetGET/ Ticket by Order NumbergetGET/ Tickets by Order_StatusgetGET/ Tickets by Customer IDgetGET/ Ticket by Open DategetGET/ Ticket by Close DategetGET/ Tickets by Last Updated AtgetPUT/ Update TicketputPOST/ Create TicketpostPOST/ Preview TicketpostCustomersGET/ Customer by IDgetGET/ Customer by Email AddressgetGET/ Customer by First and Last NamegetGET/ Customer by Driver LicensegetGET/ Customer by PhonegetGET/ Customer by Sign Up RangegetGET/ Customer by Last_Updated_atgetGET/ List of CaregiversgetPOST/ Create CustomerpostPOST/ Update CustomerpostProductsGET/ List of ProductsgetGET/ List of Products by Last_Updated_AtgetGET/ Product by IDgetGET/ Product Fields by Category TypegetPOST/ Upload an Image to a ProductpostPOST/ Create ProductpostPUT/ Update Productputv3 Treez APIsAuthenticationAuthentication TestgetAuthentication TestGetting Started With Your APIPowered by Upload customer docpost https://headless.treez.io/v2.0/dispensary/{dispensary}/ecommerce/customer/docsEndpoint for a customer to upload a document.