Ticket Payments

The Ticket Payments dataset contains all relevant details about the payments applied to tickets including details about the payment type and provider.

Primary Key: org_id, store_id, ticket_id, payment_id, sale_type

store_idThe unique identifier for each store
org_idThe unique identifier for each retail organization
org_nameThe name of the organization
store_nameThe name of the store where the sale was made
selltreez_urlThe URL of the SellTreez Point of Sale
store_stateThe US state where the store is located
store_timezoneThe timezone in which the store operates
datalake_store_idThe store identifier used in a legacy Treez data system
date_openThe timestamp indicating when a ticket was opened
date_closeThe timestamp indicating when a transaction was closed
store_tz_offsetThe timezone offset of the store
ticket_numberThe unique number assigned to each ticket
ticket_idThe unique identifier of a Ticket or Sale
sale_typeDenotes whether the ticket was sale or a return
order_channelThe channel through which the order was made
revenue_sourceThe source of an eCommerce order
cash_drawer_idThe unique identifier for the cash drawer associated with the ticket payment
cash_drawer_nameThe name associated with the cash drawer
ticket_cashier_user_idThe unique identifier of the cashier who processed the ticket
ticket_cashier_shift_idThe unique identifier of the cashier’s shift
ticket_cashier_nameThe name of the cashier
payment_idThe unique identifier for the payment associated with the ticket
payment_type_idThe unique identifier for the type of payment used
payment_type_nameThe name of the payment type used for the transaction
provider_idThe unique identifier for the payment provider
provider_nameThe name of the payment service provider
refund_flagA numeric flag indicating whether the payment was a refund (1 for refund, 0 for regular payment)
original_paymentThe original amount of the payment before any change given
change_givenThe amount of change given to the customer after the payment
gross_receipts_paidThe total amount paid via the associated payment type on the associated ticket
payment_fee_amountThe payment fee amount associated with the payment
processor_fee_amountThe processor fee amount associated with the payment
processor_tip_amountThe processor tip amount associated with the payment
last_syncA timestamp field that records the last time the data was synchronized into the Treez Data Warehouse
record_loaded_atThe timestamp when the record in the database was last updated