The Ticketline Discounts dataset provides a ticketline discount log for all stores within a given organization. It includes a wide range of information such as store details, ticket details, discount details, customer details, product details, inventory details, and sales details.
Primary Key: org_id
, store_id
, ticket_id
, ticketline_id
, discount_id
, discount_title
Column | Description |
store_id | The unique identifier for each store. Each store is tied to exactly one org_id |
org_id | The unique identifier for each retail organization consisting of one or more stores operating with Treez |
org_name | The name of the organization |
store_name | The name of the store where the sale was made |
selltreez_url | The URL of the SellTreez Point of Sale where the sale was made |
store_state | The US state where the store is located, abbreviated (e.g., CA, CO) |
store_timezone | The timezone in which the store operates. This is returned in the Olson format (i.e., America/Los_Angeles) |
datalake_store_id | The store identifier used in a legacy Treez data system |
date_open | The timestamp indicating when a ticket was opened. This is used to track the start of a transaction. This timestamp is encoded in the store's local time zone |
date_close | The timestamp indicating when a transaction was closed. This is used to track the completion of a transaction. This timestamp is encoded in the store's local time zone |
store_tz_offset | This column represents the timezone offset of the store for the given ticket date. It is calculated as the difference in hours between UTC and the store's timezone at the time of ticket closure |
ticket_number | This is the alphanumeric identifier of a Ticket or Sale in Treez. It is a string value. (e.g., "NDLZEB") |
ticket_id | This is the unique identifier of a Ticket or Sale in Treez, used primarily in the SellTreez Ticket API. It is a string value. (e.g., "c25809ca-e7c4-4adc-96b9-12af08482c64") |
sale_type | Denotes whether the ticket was a sale or a return (e.g., Sale, Return) |
order_channel | The channel through which the order was made (e.g., In Store, Pickup, Delivery, Express) |
revenue_source | The source of an eCommerce order (e.g., Treez eCommerce, Dutchie, WEEDMAPS, iheartjane) |
ticket_cashier_user_id | The store-level unique identifier of the cashier who was logged into the POS system when the ticket was processed |
ticket_cashier_mso_id | The organization-level unique identifier of the user who was logged into the POS system when the ticket was processed |
ticket_cashier_employee_number | The employee number on the employee profile for the cashier who was logged into the POS system when the ticket was processed |
ticket_cashier_name | The name of the cashier who was signed into the POS system when the ticket was processed |
approver_user_id | If a manager approval was needed on the discount, this is the store-level unique identifier of the user who approved the discount |
approver_mso_id | If a manager approval was needed on the discount, this is the organization-level unique identifier of the user who approved the discount |
approver_employee_number | If a manager approval was needed on the discount, this is the employee number of the user who approved the discount |
approver_username | If a manager approval was needed on the discount, this is the name of the user who approved the discount |
ticketline_id | This column represents the unique identifier for the ticket line. Each ticket contains one or more ticket line items tied to a specific product, which may have one or more units sold or returned |
discount_id | This column represents the unique identifier for the store-level discount associated with the ticket |
discount_type | The type of discount associated with the ticket line (e.g., Automatic Discount, POS Discount, Rewards, Tier Pricing Discount, Round Down) |
discount_method | The method of discount application (e.g., PERCENT, BOGO, DOLLAR) |
discount_title | The title of the discount applied to the ticket line |
discount_note | The note for the discount applied to the ticket line |
discount_reason | The reason for the discount applied to the ticket line |
product_id | This column represents the unique identifier for the product sold on the ticket line |
product_type | This column represents the type of the product from the product profile. (e.g., FLOWER, CARTRIDGE, EDIBLE, PREROLL, EXTRACT, PILL, TINCTURE, TOPICAL, BEVERAGE, MERCH, CBD, PLANT, MISC, NON-INV) |
product_subtype | This column represents the Sub Type or Sub Category of the product. Each Sub Type is tied to a parent Product Type. (e.g., PRE-PACK, GUMMY, 510 THREAD, POD, SAUCE) |
product_brand | The brand name from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line |
product_name | The name from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line |
product_menu_title | The menu title from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line |
product_size | The product size from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line |
product_unit_total_flower_weight_grams | The total flower grams from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line, typically used for purchase limit enforcement |
product_amount | The amount field from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line. This field is used in conjunction with the Unit of Measure field |
product_unitofmeasure | The unit of measure field from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line. This field is used in conjunction with the Amount field. (e.g., g, mg, ml, fl-oz, each) |
product_size_formatted | This is a calculated field that combines Product Amount and Unit of Measure fields and formats them into rounded amounts and consistent unit of measures. (e.g., 1g, 100mg, 1ml, 1fl-oz, 1 each) |
product_classification | The classification field from the product profile of the product sold on the ticket line. (e.g., SATIVA, INDICA, HYBRID, S/I, I/S) |
product_barcode_skus | This column represents the sku numbers associated with the product barcodes on the product profile. If a product has multiple barcode skus, they will be separated by commas |
product_external_ids | The External ID(s) associated with the product on the product profile. This is a JSON field |
product_unit_price | The unit price associated with the product on the product profile at the time of the ticket |
product_sale_price | The unit sale price of the product. This is the price at which the product was sold to the customer, inclusive of any discounts |
units_sold | The quantity of units of the product that were sold or returned on the associated ticket line |
gross_sales | The total sales generated from the sale of the product. This is calculated by multiplying the product unit price by the number of units sold |
discounts | This column represents the total amount of discounts applied to the associated ticket line. There may be one or more discounts applied to a ticket line |
net_sales | The net sales amount of the associated ticket line. It is calculated as the gross sales amount minus the sum of discounts and the sum of returns |
net_sales_effective | The effective net sales value based on the gross sales amount of the ticket line minus the discounts applied to the ticket line. The actual net sales value is inclusive of other ticketline discounts that may be stacked. Vendor credits should be based on effective net sales |
taxes | The total amount of taxes applied to the ticket line |
gross_receipts | The gross receipts value of the ticket line - including the net sales, taxes, and discounts |
cost_with_excise | The cost of goods sold on the ticket line, where the cost value includes excise tax paid to the distributor |
cost_without_excise | The cost of goods sold on the ticket line, where the cost value does not include any excise tax paid to the distributor |
customer_id | The numeric customer ID of the customer associated with the ticket |
customer_type | Denotes whether the customer profile associated with the ticket is a medical or recreational customer. (e.g., ADULT, MEDICAL-REGULAR, MEDICAL-MMID) |
customer_first_name | The first name of the customer |
customer_last_name | The last name of the customer |
customer_date_of_birth | The date of birth of the customer |
customer_age_years | The whole number age of the customer in years at the time of the transaction. This is calculated based on the customer's date of birth and the current date |
customer_gender | This column represents the gender of the customer. It is a text field and can contain values such as M (Male), F (Female), N (Non-Binary), or U (Unspecified), etc |
customer_source | The customer source field from the customer profile. (e.g., Friend / Family, Google, Word of Mouth, etc.) |
customer_phone | This column represents the phone number of the customer on the customer profile. It is a numeric type field |
customer_email | The email address on the customer profile |
customer_street_address | The street address of the customer on the customer profile |
customer_address_city | The city of the customer's address on the customer profile |
customer_address_state | The state of the customer's address on the customer profile, abbreviated (e.g., CA, CO) |
customer_address_zip | The ZIP code of the customer's address on the customer profile. This is a text value |
customer_address_longitude | The geographical longitude of the customer's address on the customer profile. This is a float value |
customer_address_latitude | The geographical latitude of the customer's address on the customer profile. This is a float value |
customer_groups | This column represents the group(s) that the customer belongs to on the customer profile. If the customer belongs to multiple groups, the groups are separated by commas |
customer_opted_in | This column indicates whether the customer has opted in for marketing communications or not based on the customer profile. It is a text field that contains either Y (Yes) or N (No) |
customer_medical_id | This column represents a medical customer's state medical ID number on the customer profile |
batch_id | The human-readable batch identifier for the batch of inventory from which the ticket line product was sold |
inventory_id | The unique identifier for the inventory batch |
invoice_line_id | The unique identifier for each line item in an invoice. This ID is used to track individual products or services listed on an invoice |
package_id | The unique identifier for the original package of inventory received associated with the inventory batch |
inventory_type | The inventory type of the batch from which the ticket line product was sold. (e.g., ADULT, MEDICAL, ALL) |
inventory_barcodes | The barcodes associated with the batch of inventory as defined in Inventory Control |
package_manifest_number | The shipment manifest number associated with the package containing the batch of inventory from which the ticket line product was sold |
package_label | The package label of the package containing the batch of inventory from which the ticket line product was sold. For METRC states, this is the package tag barcode or state tracking id |
distributor_name | The name of the distributor on the distributor profile |
last_sync | A timestamp field that records the last time the data was synchronized into the Treez Data Warehouse. This is useful for tracking data changes and updates. To check for new or changed records, query for records where the last_sync timestamp is greater than the greatest timestamp in your data store |
customer_updated_at | This column represents the timestamp when the customer's information was last updated, encoded in the store's local time zone |
product_updated_at | This column represents the timestamp when the product information was last updated, encoded in the store's local time zone |
record_loaded_at | This column represents the timestamp when the record in the database was last updated, encoded in the store's local time zone |