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Filter patients by spending habits

How could I filter to see who my top 3, 5, or 10 spending patients are? Could I see that over 30, 60, 90 days or the entirety of our site's operations? I've tried utilizing the Sales tab and can source some info but not exactly this. Could you help me?

Merged Customers and Related behavior with the Customer API and Webhooks

Treez has updated the way merged customers are displayed through our API, enabling Partners and operators to better track merged profiles. When using GET/ Customer endpoints, the resulting post-merge account will be the primary and have a value called MERGED_CUSTOMER_IDS associated with it. This field will display all profile IDs that have been merged into the resulting account and will have a STATUS listed as 'MERGED'. On top of that, a note will be added into the NOTES field that details the time and date of when the merge occurred. When using the GET/ Customer endpoints with merged and deactivated profiles you'll see similar behavior as with an active profile. The STATUS for a merged and deactivated account will be listed as 'DEACTIVATED' and associated with a new field called MERGED_INTO_CUSTOMER_ID which will display the member ID that profile was merged into The changes to our APIs for Merged profiles also carries over to our Update Customer API. When you attempt to use the Update Customer API with an account that has been merged and deactivated the request will fail and Treez will return an error message that will include the Member ID for MERGED_INTO_CUSTOMER_ID (i.e. the resulting customer profile). There is also a new event that will trigger our customer webhooks. Whenever two accounts have been merged in Treez you'll receive separate payloads for both the surviving profile and the merged/deactivated profile. The payloads will include the values MERGED_INTO_CUSTOMER_ID and MERGED_CUSTOMER_IDS.

Is there a list of possible cannabinoids that may be returned with lab results?

I need to standardized the cannabinoid formatting of lab results, and to do that I need to know what the possible return values for result_type are.

What is the Sellable_Quantity Cap?


What’s the Difference between Flat vs. Tier Pricing?

The price of a product in Treez is listed in the “pricing” array, and there are two pricing methods available. Partners should look at the “price_type” field to identify the pricing method being used for a product. You can expect the following behavior based on what is populated in the “price_type” field: - If price_type = "FLAT", the “price_sell” field will be the price of the unit as a whole, not the price per gram. - If price_type = "TIER", the “price_sell” field will be "null". In these cases, refer to the "tier_pricing_detail" array to see how the retailer specifies this. - If tier_method = "UNIT", the "start_vaue" in the "tier_pricing_detail" array will indicate the number of units which qualify for the "price_per_value" that follows. - If tier_method = "WEIGHT",the "start_vaue" in the "tier_pricing_detail" array will indicate the number of grams which qualify for the "price_per_value" that follows. Check out the [sample response](https://code.treez.io/docs/sample-response-4) for the product API. The behavior that can be expected from this Tier Pricing scheme is described below: - The first start value indicates the tier pricing starts at 1 UNIT and that unit is priced at $10.00. - The next start value indicates the tier pricing changes at 3 UNITS and that each of those 3 units are priced at $8.00. - The next start value indicates the tier pricing changes at 7 UNITS and each of those 7 UNITS are priced at $6.00. - If the quantity of UNITS ordered is in between 2 tiers (e.g.the customer orders 2 units, which falls between the start_value of 1 and the start_value of 3), the price per unit is $10.00 because it doesn’t qualify for the start_value of 3 but meets/exceeds the start_value of 1. If the tier_method = "WEIGHT", the above applies in the same manner but replaces the number of UNITS with the number of WEIGHT in grams. The WEIGHT value is determined by the AMOUNT field in the Product API response.