Available Endpoints
Here is a postman collection you can use to start making calls to the Retail Data API.
Endpoint Names | Endpoints | Endpoint Description |
Authorization API | https://api.domo.com/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&scope=data | The Authorization API is necessary to use whenever you need to call the Retail Data API. Once a successful call is made the it will return an access token that is valid for a limited amount of time. A valid access token is necessary with every call made to the Retail Data API. |
Available Datasets tables | https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets | Using this endpoint with a valid access point will list all of the data sets that are available to you. |
Retail Data API | https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets/query/execute/[Dataset_IDs] Ticketline Dataset: 25a062ab-573b-4c48-b9ab-7808e0377261 Inventory Dataset: 3bb7a759-d520-4fc9-bd45-f05e34d71eef Payment Dataset: 9a62faf2-7147-4731-87c5-327dfb9598a4 Cash Actual & Expected Dataset: e449c0b3-b172-4f7b-b8c0-f2f1de7bc925 Cash Handling Audit Log Dataset: 6723d00f-05a2-41f9-aa85-ae963c29f8b8 Credit Log Dataset: c7f03d78-8961-41e7-9186-fa48eb654eef Customer Dataset(Anonymized): 158ce9dd-7168-4b60-b4e0-060aa9f63ab2 Discount Dataset: 2c3447b2-0ab9-4c46-94eb-3f35f46f3a1c Inventory Adjustment Log Dataset: 4abae034-8240-4595-85c7-17a8f5398d42 Invoice Dataset: aa06f7c0-1258-4b10-9e4e-83f25234c9c7 Vendor / Distributor Dataset: 7d9e2ac3-540d-44db-99a9-4b273e03b2fe Daily SKU Dataset: 25b189dc-25cd-4081-aadf-b84486a9e2ec | The Retail Data API allows you to call and receive data from the various Dataset Tables. Replacing the [Dataset IDs] with one of the various IDs available will return the data table associated with that ID. In order to get data from these endpoints, your credentials need to be provisioned to access the various datasets and a valid access token used while making the call. |
Updated 6 months ago