Parameters Explained
Product API
Body Parameters
Data Point | Description | Example/Options |
product_id | ReadOnly This refers to the product's unique id. | 185ab868-da 5c-4141-84b 1-5725d64f7 a18 |
product_status | ReadOnly This tells the product's current status. Mainly returns the active status unless requested for the deactivated products. | ACTIVE |
last_updated_at | ReadOnly It tells the time when the product was updated last | 2019-06-25T 02:43:08.000 -07:00 |
sellable_quantity | ReadOnly It reads in the total quantity available in a sellable location for the particular product. | 65 |
category_type | This reads in the value of the product_category. Accepted Values: BEVERAGE PLANT PREROLL MERCH NON-INV TINCTURE MISC TOPICAL CARTRIDGE FLOWER PILL EXTRACT EDIBLE | EDIBLE |
product_configurable _fields | This section contains all the configurable fields. It is advisable to request fresh details from the other API called GET/product_fields. This will help to get the latest information on the required fields and the accepted value of the product fields. This information varies per category. The fields listed in this section are sorted alphabetically. | |
amount | It reads the exact size amount of the product. It reads in the positive quantitative number or decimal. | 3.5 |
brand | It reads the brand name. | KIVA |
classification | It reads the value of the classification of the product. | SATIVA |
doses | This tells in the total doses of the product. | 10 |
external_id | This can be used to record the ID assigned to this product from an outside entity. | 112097A |
mg_per_dose | The total mg per dose | 10 |
name | This reads in the name of the product. | ESPRESSO BEANS SAMPLE |
size | This reads in the descriptive value of the size, i.e., CONE, DUPE, etc. | CONE |
sub_type | This reads in the sub type of the product and varies per category. | COOKIE |
total_flower_weight_g | This reads in the total weight of the flower in grams. | 2 |
total_mg_thc | It reads in the thc value in mg | 3 |
total_mg_cbd | It reads in the cbd value in mg | 2 |
uom | It reads in the unit of measure of the product. It is mandatory when the field amount has some value. | GRAMS |
Pricing | This section details out the pricing of the product. | |
price_type | This reads in the value of the price type. It can be FLAT or TIER. | FLAT |
price_sell | This reads in the selling price of the product. This field is required if price_type is FLAT. Keep the value null if price_type is TIER. | 54.5 |
tier_name | It reads in the value of the Tier type to which the product belongs | TIER_14 |
tier_method | ReadOnly | WEIGHT or UNIT |
tier_pricing_detail | ReadOnly | |
start_value | ReadOnly | |
price_per_value | ReadOnly | |
discounts | Array that contains information on the automatic discounts built in the Treez that will apply to this product. | - |
discount_id | unique ID that is associated to each discount in Treez. | 09ed5434-159d-476d-816e-b2527e74157d |
discount_title | Name of the discount that is associated with the product. | TEST DISCOUNT |
discount_amount | Numerical value of the discount. | 10.0 |
discount_method | This field describes how the discount will be applied to the product. | PERCENT |
discount_stackable | Tells whether the discount associated with the product is stackable or not | Yes No |
discount_condition_detail | This array contains details on the conditions that are applied to a discount in order for them to apply. | - |
discount_condition_type | This field contains the type of condition that is applied to the discount. | Customer Group Fulfillment Type Purchase Minimum Item Limit Customer Event Customer Type Customer Cap Schedule |
discount_condition_value | This field lists the specific parameters necessary in the condition in order for the discount to be applied to a product. | Amount Type: Subtotal, Minimum value: 30 |
attributes | This section reads the attributes of the product | - |
general | It records the general attribute of the product. | Gen1 |
flavors | It records the flavor of the product. | SOUR |
effects | It records the effects of the product. | SLEEPY |
ingredients | It records the ingredient of the product. | BERRY |
internal_tags | It records the tags/labels of the product that can be used to search the product. | TAG 1 |
product_barcodes | This reads in the barcode specific to the product. | barcode1 |
created_date | It reads the date when barcode was created. | 2018-01-30 T17:00:54. 000-08:00 |
sku | It reads the barcode of the product. | r0oH |
type | It reads the barcode type. It can be user defined or system generated. | GENERATED |
e_commerce | Array containing eCommerce information for the product. | - |
all_images | ReadOnly It brings in the URL of all the associated images. | https://tree zpartnersan dbox.s3.amaz product%2F 1e43a152-f8 4f-4022-a2c 6-0c66c 86e9e70_1c a01284 -0622-11e8-b 4e9-024 29027d6 58_null_20-0 6-19-12-46-1 0 |
primary_image | ReadOnly It brings in the URL of the primary image only. | https://tree zpartnersan dbox.s3.amaz product%2F 1e43a152-f8 4f-4022-a2c 6-0c66c 86e9e70_1c a01284 -0622-11e8-b 4e9-024 29027d6 58_null_20-0 6-19-12-46-1 0 |
menu_title | It reads in the menu title of the product to be displayed on the menu. | ESPRESSO PRODUCT |
product_description | It reads in the product description for the menu purposes. | Some Product Description |
minimum_visible_inventory_level | ReadOnly It read in the value after which the product should be hidden from the menu. | 2 |
hide_from_menu | It reads in the boolean value True or False to choose if the product needs to be hidden from menu. | TRUE |
autoupdate_lab_results | It tells if the lab results are set to be updated from the inventory per packages. | TRUE |
lab_results | This section details out the product's potency values. If any field of the section is entered other fields become mandatory to enter. | - |
result_type | This reads in the value of the lab result type. The only pre-fed values can be accepted. | THC |
amount | This displays the exact value or the range of the result_type. | |
minimum_value | This reads in the minimum value of the range. If there's no range enter the same value in the minimum and the maximum field. | 12.0 |
maximum_value | This reads in the maximum value of the range. If there's no range enter the same value in the minimum and the maximum field. | 12.5 |
amount_type | It reads in the value of the amount type of the result. It could be PERCENTAGE or MG. | PERCENTAGE |
Above_Threshold | This field returns whether a product has more or less inventory available for sale than the 'minimum_visible_inventory_level' set for that product Type. If True that means the product inventory level is greater than the 'minimum_visible_inventory_level'. If false, this means the product inventory level is less than the 'minimum_visible_inventory_level'. | True False |
External_ID | This field allows partners to associate their own unique IDs to products in Treez. The External _Id should be alpha-numeric value. | 1793AF213 |
Updated almost 2 years ago