Parameters Explained

Distributor Endpoint - Body Parameters

Data PointDescriptionExample/Options
idAn unique ID that is assigned to a distributor upon creation. This value will not change.

When updating a distributor you'll need to include the ID in the body of the request.
typeThis field lists the type of relationship the distributor has with the client. This field impacts tax calculations for inventoryAccepted Values:
companyThe name of the distributor company.JIMMY'S DISTRIBUTION
doing_business_asOptional field for entering distributor DBAJ's DISTRO
addressAddress that is associated with the distributor profile.999 Broadway STREET, CA
phonePhone that is associated with the distributor profile.5109876543
emailEmail associated with
default_payment_termdefault payment termPIA
Net 30
lead_timeThe lead time to receiving a delivery from a distributor.10
delivery_daysThis field lists the preferred day of delivery for a distributor.Accepted Values:
preferred_payment_methodPreferred payment method for the distributorACH
activeCurrent status of the distributor.true
available_creditThe credit that is available for the store for with the distributor.100.00000
licensesArray containing license information for a distributor.-
idUnique ID associated with the license of the distributor.84162573-9938-4170-b116-65ef71224774
labelType of licenseDISTRIBUTOR
typeThis field indicates the type of inventory the license can sell.ALL
license_numberLicense number for distributors license.Cl-23413254123
expiration_dateExpiration date associated to the distributor license.2024-09-28T00:00:00.000-07:00
statusThe current status of theactive

Location Endpoint - Body Parameter

Data PointDescriptionExample/Options
idUnique ID associated to an inventory location.03b2249e-e70a-4ab9-80b8-25bb8c804a81
activeCurrent status of the location and if it is available for use.true
inventory_typeThis field lists the inventory types that can be stored at a particular location.ALL
nameName assigned to a particular location.DOWNTOWN-VEHICLE-1
parent_location_idList of parent locations fordee203b0-6ff7-11e9-b685-0280fd4571a6
sellableThis field indicates whether inventory can be sold from this location.true

Payment Term Endpoint - Body Parameter

Data PointDescriptionExamples/Options
idA unique ID assigned to the payment term. This value will not change once assigned to a term.636bc474-49b4-11e9-8035-774805423a5c
labelShort name of payment terms.COD
payment_dueLong name of payment terms.Cash on Delivery
Pay in Advance
End of Month

Invoice Endpoint - Body Parameter

Data PointDescriptionExamples/Options
idID associated to the invoice upon creation. This value will not change once assigned to an invoice.

When updating a invoice you'll need to include the ID in the body of the request.
visible_idClient facing invoice number.703
total_costRead only

This field shows the calculated total cost of the entire invoice.
distributor_idID associated to the distributor4fd8c626-b568-4c94-93b5-207470c74978
inventory_locationThe inventory locations that were assigned to the invoice was originally added to Treez. This field is case sensitiveBACK OF HOUSE
inventory_typeMedical: inventory that can only be sold as Medical
Recreational: inventory that can only be sold as Recreational
Custom: Non-cannabis inventory like Merch that can be sold to Medical and Recreational customers
external_invoice_idInvoice number from the original vendor invoice. Can be used optionally in addition to the Treez auto-generated invoice number.TF1721827
statusThe current status of the invoice.DRAFT
noteNotes associated with an invoice.Example note for an invoice
payment_termsPayment Term Label. Valid payment terms are set to the Delivery Payment Terms Config Page. Use Payment Terms API to retrieve list.COD
created_dateThe inventory locations that have been setup with the Treez instance. Case sensitive2022-10-06T17:59:49.000-07:00
last_updated_dateDate and time the invoice was last updated.2022-10-06T18:18:16.000-07:00
accepted_dateTime and Date of when an invoice was accepted2022-10-06T18:18:16.000-07:00
due_dateDate the invoice is due to the vendor.2022-10-21T00:00:00.000-07:00
discountsInvoice level discount array.-
idUnique ID associated with the invoice level discount.4236675d-064c-4254-9b3c-48650aeabb89
labelName of the invoice level discount.Loyal Shop Discount
discount_typeType of invoice level discount.DOLLAR
discount_amountNumber value of the discount.10
feesInvoice level fee array.-
idUnique ID associated with the fee level discount.eacfc5c7-9dff-406c-9f98-a95668608c91
labelName of the fee level
fee_typeType of invoice level discount.DOLLAR
fee_amountNumber value of the fee.10
invoice_line_listArray containing the invoice line details-
idID for the invoice line level. This ID will not change once assigned to a line item.53a3bcc6-7d95-4cee-9b50-d8a17cdb2513
product_idID of the product that is assigned to the invoice line. You can use the product API to get the details of the product.83ee87ce-dff1-46a8-af39-1ee62dc50e91
quantitytotal weight or units being received for an invoice line item.100.000000
base_cost_unitCost per unit excluding excise tax including fees and discounts.10.000000
excise_tax_unitExcise tax per unit (CALIFORNIA ONLY).1.706250
true_cost_unitRead only

This field shows the calculated cost per unit excluding excise including discounts
total_costRead only

This field shows the calculated Total Cost for the invoice line (includes excise)
manifest_numberIncoming Manifest Number00000001x
dispensary_licenseLicense of dispensary receiving the invoice.C23423-LIC
harvest_dateHarvest date of the invoice line item.2022-06-23
received_dateReceived date of the invoice line item.2022-10-06
expiration_dateExpiration date of the invoice line item.2022-10-22
external_batch_idBatch tracking or state compliance tracking ID such as Metrc Package number.180234714793847
barcodeList of scannable barcodes for an invoice line itembgr
discountInvoice line level discount array.-
idUnique ID associated with the invoice line level discount.c0f616f2-9ff0-4623-a473-c85a0cf2f8a8
labelName of the invoice line level discount.Invoice Line 5% Discount
discount_typeType of invoice line level discount.DISCOUNT
discount_amountNumber value of the fee.-5
feesInvoice line level fee array.-
idUnique ID associated with the invoice line level fee.5a8ae23f-1a2e-4a47-a605-67c01f26c26a
labelName of the invoice line level fee.Invoice Line 25 Fee
fee_typeType of invoice line level fee.DISCOUNT
fee_amountNumber value of the fee.25
open_label_field_1Open field for label maker for an invoice line itemnull
open_label_field_2Open field for label maker for an invoice line itemPREROLL
open_label_field_3Open field for label maker for an invoice line itemnull