Parameters Explained
Ticket API
Endpoint - Ticket Preview
Ticket preview API may show different totals sometimes. The reason is related to the tax total. Different inventory batches may have different taxes applied to them. There could be a time gap when you previewed the order and you actually placed the order. The batch you previewed the order total from may have been sold out and the actual order might have been placed from the different batch having different taxes.
Body Parameters
Data Point | Description | Example/Options |
type | Required Various types of tickets that Treez current accepts | Accepted values: POS DELIVERY PICKUP EXPRESS |
ticket_id | Read-Only It returns the unique identifier for the ticket. Required for updating the information of existing ticket. | 539a9127-3558-49ce-8245-257a6a05430c |
order_number | Read-Only The customer facing order ID that is referred as receipt number on the ticket. | U2HNQ5 |
external_order_number | This is an optional field and can be used by the integration partner for additional tracking. Order ID of the external integrating system. | asd2123d |
order_source | Required This tells the source used to place the order. | Accepted values: KIOSK ECOMMERCE IN_STORE VENDING_MACHINE |
created_by_employee | This tells the information of the employee who created the ticket. Blank for online orders, kiosk, API etc. | |
employee_id | It brings in the employee id who has processed the order. | f42ba95f-db7b-11e9-a587-0a1adb07b79e |
name | It returns the full name of the employee. | ROBERT_PATTIRSON |
role | It tells the employee’s role. | MANAGER |
customer_id | The field refers to the Member ID of the customer making the purchase. Blank if no customer is selected. | 2 |
packed_by_employee | This array provides information on the fulfillment agent who packed the order. | |
name | This field is nested in the packed_by_employee array and provides the name of the fulfillment agent who packed the order. | John Smith |
ticket_patient_type | Read-Only Tells the patient type at the time the sale was completed. | ADULT |
cash_register_id | Read-Only It returns the cash Register Number, or ONLINE_ORDER, KIOSK, EXTERNAL in the case it was created via API. | X001 |
order_status | Required It reads the current status of the order. The only options that are accepted are: | Accepted values: - VERIFICATION_PENDING customer verification is needed - AWAITING_PROCESSING customer verification has been completed (or not necessary) and fulfillment is pending - IN_PROCESS the order is in the process of being fulfilled - PACKED_READY the order is packed and ready for the customer to pickup or to be delivered - OUT_FOR_DELIVERY the order is in-transit to the customer - COMPLETED the order is completed and paid - CANCELED the order is cancelled by the customer |
payment_status | Read-Only It tells if the ticket is pre-paid or not. The only value it accepts are: | Accepted values: PAID UNPAID AUTHORIZED REFUNDED |
date_created | Read-Only It returns the date when the ticket was created. It is a system generated value. | 2019-04-29T11:39:21.000-07:00 |
last_updated_at | Read-Only It returns the date when the ticket was last updated in the Treez POS. It is a system generated value. | 2019-04-29T11:39:22.000-07:00 |
date_closed | Read-Only It returns the date when the ticket was completed, abandoned or cancelled. It is a system generated value. | 2019-04-30T11:39:22.000-07:00 |
sub_total | Read-Only It returns the sum of all line items and fees without tax. | 2.9993 |
tax_total | Read-Only It returns the value of the total tax applied on the ticket. | 0.273 |
discount_total | Read-Only It returns the value of the total discount applied on the ticket. | -12.4999 |
total | Read-Only It returns the due amount i.e., the grand total. | 3.28 |
ticket_note | It could be a note left by cashier during checkout or a note from the external partner while posting the ticket. | THIS IS THE FRESH TICKET |
refund_reason | Read-Only It returns the reason if entered at the time of a refund via POS. | THE ITEM WAS DEFECTIVE |
original_ticket_id | Read-Only This value is only returned for refunded tickets. It refers to the parent ticket_id against which a refund was made. | 539a9127-3558-49ce-8245-257a6a0543de |
delivery_address | It refers to the Pickup or Delivery address entered when the order was processed. | - |
id | Read-Only It returns the address id for the particular address. | wer-234-ty-87555 |
street | It records the address for the pick up or delivery order types. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding address field contains the value. | 7000 Coliseum Way |
street2 | This is the 2nd field available for street value of an address. This usually denotes the suite or apartment number for a delivery address. | 300 |
city | It records the city name. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding address field contains the value. | Oakland |
county | Optional field that is applicable only to delivery_address in orders of type DELIVERY. Required for dynamic sales tax calculation. | Alameda |
state | It records the 2-letter state code. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding address field contains the value. | CA |
zip | It records the ZIP number for the area. 5 digits in general. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding address field contains the value. | 94621 |
scheduled_start_date | Use to specify the start time of a delivery window. Use with scheduled_date. | 2024-01-27T16:00:00.000-07:00 |
scheduled_date | It refers to the delivery or pickup scheduled time. (ISO 8601 formatting) This parameter can be used by itself, or to specify the end time of a delivery window when used with the scheduled_start_date parameter. | 2024-01-27T18:00:00.000-07:00 |
delivery_minimum_total | Read-Only Shows the minimum order total required to quality for delivery. This value is defined in SellTreez config page -> ecommerce tab. | "delivery_minimum_total": "25.00" |
items | It includes all the items ordered in the ticket. | |
product_id | Read-Only It refers to the product unique id. Can be used to track the product from product API. | 7e2b2130-da84-11e5-bc38-5c514f48b06a |
barcodes | Read-Only This returns the barcode at the product level. It is visible ID that can be scanned to identify the product such as SKU. | [ "z3tM", "Y2tM" ] |
inventory_barcodes | Read-Only This returns the barcode at the inventory level. It is a visible ID that can be scanned to identify the product and particular shipment such as SKU. | [ "W23r", "Y85t" ] |
location_name | This is the field to identify the inventory location. To use this feature with the POST/Create Ticket endpoint at a store, reach out to to ensure the necessary configurations are enabled. | FRONT OF HOUSE |
size_id | Required It is the unique identification of the product. It can be retrieved from the Product API as the data point product_id. | 7b9406c0-0621-11e8-b4e9-02429027d658 |
product_size_name | Read-Only It returns the name of the exact product ordered. | CHEM FIRE |
quantity | Required It refers to the quantity of the particular item ordered in the ticket. While placing an order, this value determines the number of units being ordered for a product. When placing an order for bulk flower the quantity field will determine the amount of grams included in an order. | 3 |
price_total | Read-Only It tells the total price for the line including discounts and tax. | 10 |
price_sell | Read-Only It returns the total price of all units of a given product, excluding taxes. | 39.9985 |
product_unit | Read-Only Provides unit of measurement of the product | Accepted values: GRAMS LITERS MILLIGRAMS MILLILITERS OUNCES COUNT |
product_amount | Read-Only Amount of the product that corresponds to the product_unit field. | 3.5 |
state_tracking_uom | Read-Only Unit of Measure provided by the state tracking system. | each |
product_unit | Read-Only It returns the unit of measure of the product say each, gm etc. | GRAMS |
apply_automatic_discounts | This field refers to the automatic discounts that are applied to the product when entered to a cart unless removed. This takes in either TRUE or FALSE. The value by default is kept as TRUE to support the POS behavior. | Accepted values: TRUE FALSE |
POS_discounts | This refers to the discount that can be applied at the POS per line item. | - |
discount_title | It reads in the name of the discount to be applied. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding POS_discount field contains the value. | CUSTOM PRICE ADJUSTMENT |
discount_amount | It takes in the amount value for the discount to be applied. Amount value can either be a dollar value or the percentage value. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding POS_discount field contains the value. | 110 |
discount_method | It reads in the specified method for the amount entered. It only reads DOLLAR or PERCENT. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding POS_discount field contains the value. | Accepted values: DOLLAR PERCENT |
discounts | This returns the list of all the discounts applied per line item. | - |
discount_title | Read-Only It returns the name of the discount. | CUSTOM PRICE ADJUSTMENT |
discount_amount | Read-Only It returns the amount value for the discount for the line item. | 110 |
discount_method | Read-Only It tells the discount method for the amount. It is always either DOLLAR or PERCENT. | Accepted values: DOLLAR PERCENT |
savings | Read-Only This is always the dollar value that tells the total savings done after the discount is applied. | 110 |
discount_category | Read-Only List the various type of discounts applied to a ticket. | Accepted values: AUTOMATIC TIER REWARD DOLLARS CUSTOM PRICING POS DISCOUNT |
tax | - | - |
id | Read-Only It returns the value of the particular id of the tax applied to the ticket line. | 4d8da9db-63af-41f9-8564-a3e86d75b73b |
rate | Read-Only It tells the value of tax rate in percentage. | 0.0925 |
tax_name | Read-Only Display the name of the tax applied. | Sales Tax |
amount | Read-Only It tells the amount value in dollars applied for the particular tax. | 0.2775 |
price_target | It can be used for pricing adjustment. It overrides the price_sell and all taxes/fees will be calculated over it. If target_price is set, all other applied discounts will be ignored. | 3 |
price_target_note | Note associated with the target price adjustment. | I've set the price target now. |
fees | - | - |
type | Read-Only It reads in the name of the fee type applied. | Delivery Fee |
total_amount | Read-Only It takes in the amount value for the fee applied. Amount value is a dollar value. | 7 |
reward_eligible | Read-Only It tells if the ticket counts towards reward points or not. | Accepted values: TRUE FALSE |
reward_points_earned | Read-Only If the ticket is eligible it returns the value of the points earned. | 2 |
reward_points_used | Read-Only It returns the reward points used in the particular order. | 2 |
payments | It includes the payment details for the ticket. | - |
payment_id | Read-Only It returns the payment id of the particular payment posted. | 39532a86-d2ac-4b1e-9c6d-6e13db34b3d3 |
payment_source | This refers to the source via which payment is posted and accomplished. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding payment field contains the value. | Accepted values: KIOSK ECOMMERCE IN_STORE VENDING_MACHINE |
payment_method | It reads the payment method used to accomplish the payment for the ticket. In the case of refunds, the method is always going to be CASH. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding payment field contains the value. | Accepted values: CREDIT DEBIT CASH CHEQUE ACH |
amount_paid | The amount value paid by the customer using the particular method. Only the exact amount that is expected to be paid is accepted. It is a conditionally required field if any corresponding payment field contains the value. | 3.28 |
payment_date | Read-Only The timestamp when the payment was submitted. It reads the format yyyy-mm-dd. | 2019-04-29T18:39:21+00:00 |
purchase_limit | It reads the consumed products in a day. All items consumed will be reflected in their respective purchase limit groups. NO ticket can be created for customers who reach/exceed their purchase limits. Some CA stores are an exception to this rule. If medical customer are allowed to exceed purchase limits because of a prescription from a doctor you can generate a ticket over the recommended purchase limit without encountering an error. | - |
concentrated | It reads the consumed value for the 'concentrated' in the particular ticket. | 0.1/8 |
non_concentrated | It reads the consumed value for the 'non_concentrated' in the particular ticket. | 0/228 |
plant | It reads the consumed value for the 'plant' in the particular ticket. | 0/12 |
delivery_route | This Array provides the partner the ability to add additional data about the driver, car and route that is being taken for a delivery | - |
driver_name | This field is used to contain the name of the driver completing the delivery | John Doe |
driver_occupational_license_number | Occupational license for the delivery driver. | 42523451 |
driver_vehicle_license_number | Drivers license of the delivery driver | F1214231234 |
phone_number_for_questions | The phone number that should be used when the Driver or customer have questions. | 9252820916 |
vehicle_make | Make of the car completing the delivery. | Honda |
vehicle_model | Model of the car completing the delivery. | Civic |
vehicle_license_plate_number | License plate number for the car making the delivery | 45HG29 |
estimated_departure_datetime | This should be the estimated departure time of the delivery. | 2020-10-24T11:00:00.000 |
estimated_arrival_datetime | This should be the estimated arrival time of the delivery. | 2020-10-24T13:00:00.000 |
planned_route | This array provides the multiple legs and steps for the process of making the delivery. | - |
legs | The Legs array contains the multiple steps that are necessary for completing a delivery. | - |
steps | The Steps array details the necessary route you are taking for a leg of the journey. | - |
html_instructions | This field details what is necessary to do to complete the step in a leg of a route. | Head \u003cb\u003enorth\u003c/b\u003e on \u003cb\u003eS Morgan St\u003c/b\u003e toward \u003cb\u003eW Cermak Rd\u003c/b\u003e |
distance | This array provides the necessary distance to complete each step in the planned_route. | - |
text | This field provides the distance for each step. | 0.1 mi |
vin | VIN of the car making the delivery | 123123SDSSDFSDSFSF |
employee_Id | This is an editable field that allows partners to associate transactions with employees that have a profile in Treez. Employee ID equates to the employee # which can be found on the user management page of Sell Treez. | C3K3IZ |
cash_drawer_name | This editable field allows partners to associate orders with a certain cash drawer when creating or updating tickets. Once the order has been completed, the numbers for that transaction will be displayed in the drawer the partner associated it with. | CD01 |
revenue_source | This field allows the partner to designate the source of the ticket. this field will be displayed on the fulfillment page of Treez. This is a required field. This field needs to be populated with the partner name in order to be able to create a ticket through the API | weedmaps |
payment_authorization | This field should only be used with customers who are using the Stronghold TreezPay feature of Treez. When a ticket payment_authorization is marked as 'true', SH has to run a check to make sure the customer's bank account is active, accessible, and has the required funds for the transaction. At this step, SH will not place a hold on the funds nor will they withdraw funds from a customer's account. | true false |
webhook | Array containing the ticket number webhook information associated with a specific order. | - |
webhook_id | Unique ID associated to a webhook upon generation. | a51ddd83-40ba-484c-bf43-c80440067b1b |
shared_secret | Secret API key that is associated to the webhook upon creation. | JTUHMP1C49OJWA2YPC9OPQIN |
listener_url | Webhook URL that is associated to the the order. | |
Updated almost 2 years ago