Customer API
Customer API Errors
Here are the most common errors you will run into while using the Customer API and how to resolve them. This list is not exhaustive of all possible errors.
Errors | Error Description | Remedy |
CUSTOMER_AGE_TOO_HIGH | Field birthday values look too far back. | Enter a valid birthdate that is below the age limit. |
CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME_EMPTY | Field first_name can not be null or empty. | Add a first_name field to the customer profile to get a successful response. |
CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME_TOO_LONG | Field first_name length exceeds the allowed limit of 45 characters. | Use a first_name value less than 45 characters long. |
CUSTOMER_GROUP_DUPLICATED_INPUT | The list of entered groups has duplicated values. | The customer_groups cannot contain duplicate groups. |
CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME_EMPTY | field last_name can not be null or empty. | Add a last_name field to the customer profile to get a successful response. |
CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME_TOO_LONG | Field last_name length exceeds the allowed limit of 45 characters. | Use a last_name value that is less than 45 characters long. |
DRIVER_LICENSE_DUPLICATION | Drivers_license is a duplicate of a driver license that already exists in a profile. | Include a unique drivers_license when creating or updating a profile. |
DRIVER_LICENSE_EXPIRATION_CANNOT_BE_NULL | drivers_license_expiration is a required datapoint while creating a customer profile. | Include drivers_license_expiration in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”. |
DUPLICATED_CUSTOMER_EMAIL | Email is a duplicate of an email that already exists in a profile. | Include a unique email when creating a profile. |
DUPLICATED_CUSTOMER_PHONE | Phone number is a duplicate of a phone number that already exists on a profile. | Include a unique phone when creating or editing a profile. |
DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_PRIMARY | - | Within each address object, the primary field should be set to true for only one address. |
DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_TYPE | - | Do not use the same address type (address_of_record, alternative_address or secondary_address) for more than one address. |
FAILED_TO_BUILD_RESPONSE | An unknown exception occurred while processing the request. Contact: | If this error is encountered please report it to the API support team( in order to get this error investigated. |
INDEX_PAGE_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO | - | The page used in the call needs to be greater than 0 in order to get a successful response from the endpoint. |
INVALID_ADDRESS_TYPE | Address type should be: address_of_record or alternative_address or secondary_address | In the address array, add a type property with a value of either address_of_record, alternative_address or secondary_address (e.g., "type": "address_of_record") |
INVALID_CUSTOMER_GROUP | The entered [customer_group] is wrong. The existing groups are - [customer_groups available in Discount Management > Customer Groups] | Use Customer Groups that exist within Discount Management > Customer Groups. |
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT | [Date Used in Query Parameter] date does not match the expected format i.e. yyyy-MM-dd | The date format used was not correct and needs to be adjusted to this format: yyyy-MM-dd. |
INVALID_EMAIL | Invalid email format. Must be of format @. | You can get this error if the formatting is incorrect and also if the email does not exist. |
INVALID_GENDER | Invalid gender value. Possible values are: M, F, U, N or blank. | Use one of the possible values of M, F, U, N or blank. |
INVALID_OPT_OUT | Invalid opt_out value. Possible values are: true, false | Use one of the possible values of true or false |
INVALID_PATIENT_TYPE | Invalid patient type value. Possible values are: ADULT, MEDICAL, MEDICAL_MMID | Use one of the possible values of ADULT, MEDICAL, or MEDICAL_MMID. |
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER | - | Enter a valid phone number. The approved format 1234567890 |
INVALID_USA_STATE | The request includes the state [state entered] which is not a valid USA state. Please correct the data and try again. | Enter a valid 2 letter US state code (e.g., CA, MI, AZ). |
LIMIT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO | Limit must be greater than zero. | The limit set in the endpoint must be greater than 0. |
RESPONSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDS | The response limit requested is [Limit selected] which exceeds the maximum response limit. Do not exceed 50. | The limit that is being used in the call needs to be dropped to the maximum allowed. |
STATE_MEDICAL_ID_CANNOT_BE_NULL | state_medical_id is required when setting patient_type to MEDICAL_MMID | Include a value for the state_medical_id field when the patient_type is set to MEDICAL_MMID. |
USER_NOT_FOUND | Unable to detect the user who made the API request. | If this error is encountered please report it to the API support team( in order to get this error investigated. |
CUSTOMER_DOESNT_EXIST | - | The Customer ID/Member ID being searched for with this endpoint does not exist. Add a valid Customer ID to get a successful response. |
FROMDATE_AFTER_TODATE | - | The fromdate or the start of the time range that is being requested has a later date than the todate or end of the time range. To fix this, adjust the fromdate to a date that is before the todate parameter. |
CANNOT_UPDATE_DEACTIVATED_PROFILE | - | Do not update a customer profile that has been deactivated. |
CAREGIVER_CUSTOMER_ID_DOES_NOT_MATCH | Entered caregiver_customer_id does not match the existing records. Please use separate endpoint to get the list of all the available caregivers. | Use the correct customer_id for the caregiver. |
CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME_BLANK | Field first_name can not be null or empty. | The customer's first name needs to be present when creating or editing a profile. |
CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME_TOO_LONG | Field first_name length exceeds the allowed limit of 45 characters. | Use a first_name that is less than 45 characters. |
MULTIPLE_CAREGIVERS_FOUND | Currently, Treez supports only one caregiver per customer. Please add only one caregiver for now. We'll soon be supporting multiple caregivers. | Only use one caregiver_customer_id value. |
REQUIRED_CAREGIVER_LICENSE_NUMBER | caregiver_license_number is a required field when setting the customer as a caregiver. Please correct and try again | Enter a valid caregiver_license_number or remove the customer as a caregiver by changing the value of the is_caregiver field to false. |
CUSTOMER_ID_IS_NULL | Customer_id is a required field to upload a document. | Add a customer ID/member id as a query parameter in order to get a successful response |
FILES_AMOUNT_EXCEEDED | Maximum allowed files per request is 10 | You can only upload 10 files at a time with the customer upload endpoint. Decrease the amount of files to ten or below. |
FILE_IS_REQUIRED | base64_data is a required field when file_type or file_name has the value | When uploading a document, the encoded_string field is required and a base 64 encoded string needs to be present. |
FILE_NAME_IS_REQUIRED | file_name is a required field | File name is a required field with this endpoint. Add a valid file name in order to get a successful response. |
FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED | The file to be uploaded is too big. The maximum size allowed is 5MB. | Use a file smaller than or equal to 5MB. |
INCORRECT_FILE_EXTENSION | Incorrect [file extension] used. File extensions accepted are: gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png | Use one of the accepted file extensions: gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png |
FILE_TYPE_IS_REQUIRED | file_type is a required field | A file_type is required to get a successful response. The available file_types are: misc_upload, doctor_permit, membership_agreement, and drivers_license. |
UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE | file_type field contains invalid value. Possible values are : .gif, .jpg, .md, .jpeg, .png, .csv, .ppt, .pdf, .txt, .doc | The file type being used is not compatible and needs to change to one of the approved file types listed in the error message. |
Updated over 2 years ago