Product Webhooks

Triggering Events

Below are the following events that trigger the Product's webhooks -

  • On Creation
  • Updating
  • Deactivating a Product
  • Activating a Product
  • Adding a new Image to a Product

Sample Content of the Sent Request

    "event_type": "PRODUCT",
    "data": {
        "product_id": "2a55b36d-c577-11e7-b8a4-94c691122fa5",
        "product_status": "ACTIVE",
        "last_updated_at": "2019-08-29T09:42:33.000-07:00",
        "sellable_quantity": 500,
        "category_type": "EDIBLE",
        "product_configurable_fields": {
            "amount": "1000",
            "brand": "DR. NORMS COOKIES",
            "classification": "HYBRID",
            "doses": "1000",
            "mg_per_dose": "100",
            "name": "100MG CHOCOLATE CHIP (BAG) TEN-10MG COOKIES",
            "size": "100",
            "subtype": "BAKED GOOD",
            "total_mg_cbd": "100",
            "total_mg_thc": "1000",
            "uom": "GRAMS"
        "pricing": {
            "price_type": "FLAT",
            "price_sell": 21,
            "tier_name": null
        "attributes": {
            "general": [],
            "flavors": [],
            "effects": [],
            "ingredients": [],
            "internal_tags": []
        "product_barcodes": [
                "created_date": "2018-01-04T14:49:56.000-08:00",
                "sku": "EiYmuixmSy",
                "type": "USER_DEFINED"
                "created_date": "2018-01-04T14:49:56.000-08:00",
                "sku": "W280",
                "type": "GENERATED"
                "created_date": "2018-01-04T14:49:56.000-08:00",
                "sku": "8Ve",
                "type": "GENERATED"
        "e_commerce": {
            "all_images": [
            "primary_image": "",
            "menu_title": "6",
            "product_description": null,
            "minimum_visible_inventory_level": null,
            "hide_from_menu": null

What’s Next

Check the Parameters Explained page for the Product API for the definition of each available field.