Parameters Explained
Customer API
Body Parameters
Data Point | Description | Example/Option |
status | readOnly It returns the current status of customers in Treez and whether the profile can still be used in Treez. | ACTIVE for active and current customers. DEACTIVATED for the deleted customers or the customers those got merged to others and accounts were closed. MERGED it tells that some customer account was merged into this account at some point. These are active customers. |
verification_status | readOnly Returns the verification status of the customer. Limitations: if existing patient uploads new documentation the status will remain verified | VERIFIED - if existing customer and documents have not expired VERIFICATION_PEND ING - if new customer or if driver license has expired or if medical id has expired (medical patients only) NOT_APPLICABLE- this value will appear for profiles merged into another account and is deactivated |
verification_reasons | readOnly Returns verification_reason and verification_reason_description Empty array is returned when verification_status = VERIFIED | VERIFIED - if existing customer and documents have not expired VERIFICATION_PEN DING - if new customer or if driver license has expired or if medical id has expired (medical patients only) |
birthday | required It tells the customer’s birth date which also calculates the customer’s age. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD. | 1988-08-06 |
It reads in the customer’s email address. NO duplicate email IDs are accepted. | sample_email4@ | |
phone | It reads in the customer’s phone number. The phone number cannot start with 0 or 1. Do not include special characters while adding a new number to a profile. Duplicate Phone numbers are NOT accepted. | 4094562458 |
notes | It reads in the additional information added for the customer's profile under the notes section. | This Customer prefers Sativa products and edibles. |
gender | It displays the customer gender associated to their profile. | M for male F for female U for unspecified N for Non Binary |
banned | It reads whether or not a customer from your store is banned or not. | TRUE FALSE |
Addresses | An array that reads the customer's Address data. | - |
type | It displays the value of the type of the address. There are only three values possible for this field and are listed in the column over. Only one address of each type can be submitted. The field is required if any value of the corresponding address field has the value in it. | ADDRESSOF RECORD, ALTERNATIVE ADDRESS, SECONDARY ADDRESS |
street1 | This field provides the street address of the customer. The field is required if any value of the corresponding address field has the value in it. | 6253 DOUGHERTY RD |
street2 | It reads in the street address of the customer. | APT 8207 |
city | This field displays the city of the customer. The field is required if any value of the corresponding address field has the value in it. | DUBLIN |
state | It reads in the 2 letter state code of the customer. The field is required if any value of the corresponding address field has the value in it. | CA |
primary | It reads in the value TRUE or FALSE for if the address entered to be treated as Primary Delivery Address. | TRUE FALSE |
zipcode | This field provides the area code for the address. The field is required if any value of the corresponding address field has the value in it. | 94568 |
imageList | It brings in the type and the URL of all the associated documents uploaded for the particular customer. | Parameter: include_image_list=true |
type | readOnly It read in the value of the document type to be uploaded. The only values read are: misc_upload doctor_permit membership_agreement drivers_license It is required if the corresponding data field ‘url’ has the value in it. | misc_upload doctor_permit membership_agreement drivers_license |
url | readOnly This reads in the URL address for the document to be attached for the customer. It should be valid URL. It is required if the corresponding data field ‘type’ has the value in it. | yourdispensary/file/ secure/treeztest/ customer/ 1_547_fullLicense_15-04-19-12-31-47 |
lastupdated | readOnly This returns the date and time when this document was last updated. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | 2019-04-15 12:31:50 |
customer_id | readOnly It returns the unique id of the customer. This is a required field at the time to update the customer’s information. | 1117 |
first_name | required It reads the customer’s first name. | JOHNNY |
middle_name | It reads the customer’s middle name. | JAMES |
nickname | This field provides the customer’s nickname, if any. | JR |
last_name | required It reads the customer’s last name. | Appleseed |
drivers_license | required It reads in the driver license number of the customer. It is required if data field ‘driver_license_expiration’ contains value. It is required if set in the configuration as required field. NO duplicate IDs are accepted. | C1234567 |
drivers_license_expiration | required It reads in the driver license expiration date of the customer. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. It is required if the data field ‘driver_license’ contains value. | 2029-08-02 |
is_caregiver | optional Set it true if wishes to create a caregiver customer. | TRUE FALSE |
caregiver_license_number | optional It reads in the caregiver license number. This field is required when the data point "is_caregiver" is set true. | C7654321 |
state_medical_id | It reads in the Medical MMID number of the customer. It is required if the patient type is MEDICAL_MMID. | 756434 |
permit_expiration | It reads in the medical card expiration date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. It is required if the field state_medical_id contains value. | 2026-08-28 |
physician_first_name | It reads in the first name of the physician for the customer. | PATRICK |
physician_last_name | It reads in the last name of the physician for the customer. | DICKINSON |
physician_license | It reads in the physician’s license number | 45HGFD32 |
physician_address | It reads in the address of the physician. | 264 WILLOW AVE, CA, 7654 |
physician_phone | It reads in the physician’s contact number. | 87654323456 |
caregiver_name_1 | readOnly It reads in the name of the primary care giver. | BLUE_SHIELD |
caregiver_name_2 | readOnly It reads in the name of the additional care giver. Disabled for now. | N/A |
caregiver_details | An array that reads the customer's caregiver information. | - |
caregiver_license_number | readOnly This reads in the caregiver's license number. | C9123456 |
caregiver_customer_id | Optional This reads the member_id of the caregiver of the customer. It should be used if trying to add the caregiver to the profile while creating or updating. | 3132 |
caregiver_name | readOnly This reads in the caregiver's first and last name. | ARTHUR WOOD |
rewards_balance | This field provides the current reward balance for the customer. Partners have the ability to either create a customer with rewards points associated with their account or edit an existing profile to have a certain reward_balance. | 23 |
rewards_type | readOnly It returns the reward type for the customer. | POINTS |
signup_date | readOnly It returns the date and time when customer joined Treez. at that particular store | "2017-01-23T00:00:00.000-08:00" |
last_visit_date | readOnly It returns the date and time when the customer was last scanned in the store. | "2000-01-01 00:00:00" |
last_update | readOnly It returns the date and time when the customer’s information was last updated via API or POS. | 2019-05-02T14:36:49.000-07:00m |
opt_out | It reads true/false or null value for the customer’s interest in promotional offers or MailList for marketing purposes. Null indicates that customer has not yet made the selection on the membership agreement form and should be interpreted based on state and local laws for opt in/ opt out procedures. | TRUE FALSE |
referral_source | It reads in the value of the source via which customer got to know about the dispensary’s store or online portal. | This is an optional field. Can be null or use one of these Accepted values: Weedmaps Culture Yelp Billboard Word of mouth Leafly Walking-by Friend / Family Other |
customer_group | It reads in the value of the group(s) to which a customer belongs. Available for both read and write. API cannot be used to create a new customer group. | SENIOR |
warning_1 | It reads in TRUE or FALSE for if the customer has received the first warning. | TRUE FALSE |
warning_2 | It reads in TRUE or FALSE for if the customer has received the second warning. | TRUE FALSE |
patient_type | required It reads in the value for the account type to be created for the customer. The only values that are available are listed in the column to the right. Data fields ‘state_medical_id’ and ‘permit_expiration’ are required in this case. | ADULT MEDICAL MEDICAL_MMID |
merged_customer_ids | This gets the value of all the membership IDs whose accounts were merged into this customer account. In case no value is returned, no customer account was ever merged in to this account. The merged_customer_ID field only displays the last 100 merges for a customer. | 3456 |
customer_groups | This reads all the groups to which the particular customer belongs to. Only the existing groups can be accepted under POST/PUT request. | EMPLOYEE |
merged_into_customer_ID | This returns the Membership ID of the account the profile was merged into. This field will only populate if this is the account that was merged and deactivated. | 6543 |
Updated almost 2 years ago