Daily SKU Table
Daily sku reflects sales per product per day per store
Dataset ID: 25b189dc-25cd-4081-aadf-b84486a9e2ec
Unique Composite Key(s): dateclosed, storeid, product_id
Datetime Dataset Last Updated: hr_last_updated
Load Logic: This endpoint is expected to update once a day, with the previous day's sku level updated in early afternoon (Pacific Time). Due to the size of the full replacement, we unfortunately cannot provide a more accurate estimate. A product that was never sold would not show up in this table - even if this product exists in your inventory table. This endpoint has a 3-month time frame, meaning we only store the data going back 3 months.
Column Name | Definition | Example Output |
dateclosed | Date | 1/24/2020 |
daily_product_remaining | Remaining Inventory QTY for product at the end of dateclosed | 32 |
days_out_of_stock | Days out of stock (from last in stock to current dateclosed) | 12 |
new_stock | n/a | |
storeid | Unique Store ID (store location) | 230 |
product_id | Unique Product ID Unique Product ID | c3959cab-0582-11ea-9c46-02a831a0e4d2 |
productname | Product Name | LEMON SOUR DIESEL |
productsubtype | Product Subtype | BUDDER |
size | Product Size | 1G |
distributor | Distributor Name | NABIS |
statetrackingid | State Tracking/Traceability ID | 1A4050100001645000008250 |
thc_perc | THC Percentage | 0.2 |
cbd_perc | CBD Percentage | 0.1 |
max_dateclosed | Last Recent Date of Sales Activity (e.g., 3 days ago) | 1/21/2020 |
productbrand | Product Brand Name | KIVA |
tz_brandname | Product Brand Name (Cleansed) | KIVA |
producttype | Product Type | EXTRACT |
sku | Product SKU | abc312 |
tier | Product Tier | Top Shelf Tier |
weight | Product Weight | 1 |
unitofmeasure | Product Unit of Measure | GRAMS |
region | Store Region | Bay Area |
tz_productname | Product Name (cleansed) | BUDDER |
shortname | Store Name | Treez Dispensary |
store_state | Store State | CA |
classification | Product Classification | INDICA |
total_mg_cbd | Total MG CBD | 1 |
total_mg_thc | Total MG THC | 2 |
external_id | Product External ID (e.g., identifier referenced for other systems) | 391882abc |
mg_per_dose | Product MG Per Dose | 1 |
productattributes | Product Attributes | EDIBLES,CHOCOLATE |
internal_tags | Product Internal Tags | HOT,TOP HOT,TOP |
minimum_visible_inventory | Minimum Inventory QTY for Menu Visibility | 5 |
hidden_from_menu | HIDE trigger FROM ONLINE MENUS (1 for hidden, 0 for not hidden) | 1 |
package_size | Product Packaging Size | SINGLE-UNIT |
product_repeat_gross | Product sales that came from repeating customers for the same product | 432.12 |
product_cycle_days | Average cycle days of sales that came from repeating customers for the same product | 12 |
productline_repeat_gross | Product sales that came from repeating customers for the same product line | 521.34 |
productline_cycle_days | Average cycle days of sales that came from repeating customers for the same productline | 9.3 |
min_exp_date | Expiration date for the inventory batch (oldest if multiple batches exist) | 12/1/2020 |
invoice_accept_date | Most recent invoice receiving date for this product | 12/1/2020 |
invoice_create_date | Most recent invoice creation date for this product | 12/1/2020 |
aging | Days between dateclosed and invoice_accept_date | 1/31/1900 |
delivery_days | Common delivery days marked for distributor | TUE, WED, THU, FRI |
lead_time | Lead time for distributor (in days) | 6 |
last_day_of_month | Is dateclosed the last day of the month? | Y |
first_day_of_month | Is dateclosed the first day of the month? | N |
avg_sold | Average QTY Sold in last 14 days Average QTY Sold in last 14 days | 7.5 |
units_remaining | Current remaining Inventory QTY (as of last dataset update) | 31 |
brand_rank_subtype | Ranking of sales by grossreceipts and grouped by storeid, dateclosed, producttype, productsubtype | 3 |
bclass | Supply Chain ABC grading, with A in 90% of cumulative sales (grossreceipts) and B in 70% and C in remaining. Measured by product's brand Supply Chain ABC grading, with A in 90% of cumulative sales (grossreceipts) and B in 70% and C in remaining. Measured by product's brand | A |
class | Supply Chain ABC grading, with A in 90% of cumulative sales (grossreceipts) and B in 70% and C in remaining. Measured by product | B |
xyz | Supply Chain XYZ grading, with X in 20% of standard deviation variability over the last 6 weeks, and Y between 20% to 40%, with Z over 40% | X |
total_gross_sold | Total sales (grossreceipts) of product's producttype | 3121.32 |
total_qty_moved | Total Qty moved (e.g., between inventory locations) | 13 |
pairs_percent | Percent of sales that happened when qty = 2 within the same ticket | 0.05 |
lots_percent | Percent of sales that happened when qty > 2 within the same ticket | 0.1 |
retail_brand | Product Brand Name | KIVA |
total_producttype_remaining | Total QTY remaining for all products within the product type at the end of dateclosed | 2432 |
datetime_of_move | Timestamp of last inventory movement | 1/2/20 3:32 |
brand_rank | Ranking of sales by grossreceipts and grouped by storeid, dateclosed, producttype and ranked by tz_brandname | 3 |
out_of_stock | Did out of stock happen on this date (1 = yes, 0 = no) | 0 |
total_sold | Total QTY sold of product's producttype | 320 |
brand_repeat_gross | Product sales that came from repeating customers for the same brand | 731.12 |
brand_cycle_days | Average cycle days of sales that came from repeating customers for the same brand | 18.2 |
total_taxes | Total taxes | 382.12 |
qty_sold | Total QTY sold (not accounting for returns) | 23 |
sku_sold | Total QTY sold (accounting for returns) | 22 |
grossreceipts | Total sales (grossreceipts) | 1258.2 |
discounts | Total Discounts | 42.21 |
cost_per_unit | Average Cost per Unit Sold | 2.43 |
sku_return | Total QTY Returned | 2 |
grossreceipts_at_line | Total sales (grossreceipts) at product line | 21742 |
priceunit | Average Price Per Unit | 15 |
qty_sold_at_line | Total QTY sold at product line | 212 |
days_remaining | Current remaining inventory qty / avg_sold | 21.2 |
days_remaining_historic | Remaining inventory at the end of dateclosed / avg_sold as of dateclosed | 18.3 |
units_available_at_line | Inventory QTY available at product line | 421 |
sku_count | n/a | |
sku_count_available_at_line | Total unique product sku at product line | 31 |
brand_count_at_line | Total brands available at product line | 21 |
hourly_product_remaining | Current inventory available across all inventory locations | 21 |
sellable_hourly_product_remaining | Current inventory available in sellable inventory location | 19 |
nonsellable_hourly_product_remaining | Current inventory available in non-sellable inventory location | 2 |
total_qty_moved_at_line | Total Inventory units moved at product line | 312 |
new_stock_moved_at_line | Total new inventory units received at product line | 9 |
sku_percent | qty sold / total qty sold at producttype | 0.15 |
product_percent_remaining | units remaining / total units remaining at producttype | 0.01 |
post_tax_priceunit | Average Price Per Unit (post tax) | 14 |
discounttitle | All applied discounts (delimited by | ) | 15% OFF VETERAN/SENIOR % | 15% |
discountamount | Total discounts | 21.12 |
Updated 5 months ago