Market Table
The Market Flow dataset is an anonymized ticketline table that represents all Treez
Unique Composite Key(s): dateclosed, masked_ticketlineid, masked_ticketid
Datetime Dataset Last Updated: last_retrieved_timestamp
Incremental Load Logic: dateclosed is when the transaction was complete. last_retrieved_timestamp is when the dataa was last uploaded for this table.
Pull Previous Day - Data-Raw Append Example:
{"sql": "SELECT * FROM table WHERE date(dateclosed) = date(date_add(now(), INTERVAL -1 day)) "}
Pull Previous Successful Update - Data-Raw Append Example:
{"sql": "SELECT * FROM table WHERE date(dateclosed) >= $stored_last_update_datetime"}
- stored_last_update_datetime is your stored datetime for last successful data pull
Column Name | Definition | Example |
verification_pending_min | Time fulfillment order began verification. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
verification_pending_max | Time fulfillment order finished verification. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
awaiting_processing_min | Time fulfillment order began awaiting processing. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
awaiting_processing_max | Time fulfillment order finished awaiting processing. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
in_process_min | Time fulfillment order began being processed. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
in_process_max | Time fulfillment order finished being processed. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
packed_ready_min | Time fulfillment order was packed and ready. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
packed_ready_max | Time fulfillment order is moved out of packed and ready. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
out_for_delivery_min | Time fulfillment order started delivery. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
out_for_delivery_max | Time fulfillment order finished delivery. | 2020-07-25 17:41:52 |
channel | Order Channel Type (In-store, eCommerce, Kiosk, etc.) | VENDING_MACHINE |
payment_date | Date-Time payment was received | 2020-07-25T18:01:42 |
pre_paid | Boolean: Was the ticket pre-paid? (Y/N) | N |
masked_ticketlineid | Encrypted Distinct Ticketline ID | 867a0b9694afde9c65ea82f8a9c3af82 |
masked_ticketid | Encrypted Distinct Ticket ID | 764b570b5915ac79bc2c2f244052104e |
masked_ticketalphaid | Encrypted Distinct Ticket Alpha ID | 81aa1b852fb8ad030be98ef6f4524c34 |
masked_storeid | Encrypted Store ID | c5dda16166cb0aef92336a0d90f7b16c |
masked_customer_uuid | Encrypted Customer UUID | e62f7514b5839950173049af6ed42c9e |
retail_brand | Raw Brand Name | 10 BAG |
register | Register ID | CD02 |
customer_type | Registered Customer Type | ADULT |
type | Transaction Type (Sale or Return) | SALE |
customer_state | State customer is from | CA |
customer_city | City customer is from | FAIRFAX |
zip_code | Zip Code customer is from | 94930 |
age | Customer Age | 28 |
age_group | Customer Age Group | 21-29 |
cashier | Cashier’s Name | AARON |
approver | Discount Approver | AARON |
producttype | Product Type | FLOWER |
productsubtype | Product Subtype | PREPACK |
productattributes | Product Attributes (Multiple Attributes are separated by commas) | CALM,GLUTEN FREE,VEGAN |
tier | Dispensary Tier Pricing Name | TOP SHELF |
weight | weight | 1 |
unitofmeasure | Unit of Measurement | GRAM |
priceunit | Pre Tax / Deduction Price | 20 |
qty | Units sold for this transaction line | 1 |
grosssales | Default Unit Price | 20 |
discounts | Sum of discounts | 6.25 |
returns | Return Total | 0 |
netsales | Subtotal after discounts, but before taxes | 13.75 |
taxes | Total Taxes | 0.825 |
grossreceipts | Grand Total after discounts and taxes. | 14.575 |
cost | Cost with Excise | 12.5 |
cost_without_excise | Cost without Excise | 12.5 |
grossincome | Profit after cost (Net Sales – Cost) | 1.25 |
invoiceid | Treez Generated Invoice # | 16 |
dateclosed | Date Ticket was closed | 2019-10-16 |
date_time_closed | Date–Time ticket was closed | 2019-10-16T08:23:51 |
date_time_opened | Date–Time ticket was opened | 2019-10-16T07:57:54 |
customer_signup_date | Date–Time unique customer signed up. | 2019-09-09T16:46:47 |
reward_balance | Remaining Rewards balance for customer | 83 |
inventory_location | Location inventory was sold from. | FRONT OF HOUSE |
ticket_updated_date | Last Date–Time the ticket was updated. | 2020-02-04T07:25:12 |
line_updated_date | Last Date–Time the line item was updated | 2019-10-16T08:07:19 |
last_visit | Last time to the customer visited. | 2019-10-16 07:57:54 |
salestaxamount | Sales Tax Charged | 0.825 |
is_arms_length | Boolean: 1 = Arm's Length, 0 = Non Arm's Length. | 1 |
is_cannabis | Boolean: 1 = is cannabis, 0 = non cannabis. | 1 |
ticket_type | Ticket Channel Type (POS, Delivery, Express, etc) | POS |
customer_country | Country Customer is from | USA |
customer_groups | Assigned Customer Group | SENIOR |
inventory_date | Date inventory was received | 2019-08-29T14:28:51 |
customer_mmid_expiration | Expiration of Medical ID | 2022-06-24T00:00:00 |
ticket_notes | Note added to customer ticket | FTP |
gender | Customer Gender | M |
open_date | Date Ticket Opened | 2019-02-26 |
tz_brand_id | Unique Brand ID | 2502 |
tz_product_id | Unique Product ID | 323310 |
tz_productname | Product Name associated with Product ID | BLACKWATER |
tz_brandname | Brand Name associated with Brand ID | DIME BAG |
customer_source | Customer Source | WEEDMAPS |
distributor | Distributor Name | HERBL DISTRIBUTION |
first_visit | Boolean: Is this the customer’s first time visiting? 1 = Y , 0 = N | 0 |
repeat_purch | Boolean: Has the customer purchased before? 1 = Y, 0 = N | 1 |
ticket_status | Ticket Status | COMPLETED |
custom | Custom / Local Tax | CUSTOM |
customtaxamount | Customer Tax Amount | 1.568 |
dynamic | Delivery Sales Tax | DYNAMIC |
dynamictaxname | Delivery Sales Tax | DYNAMIC SALES TAX |
dynamicdtaxamount | Delivery Sales Tax Amount | 2.55192 |
excise | Automated Excise Tax | EXCISE |
excisetaxname | Automated Excise Tax | EXCISE TAX |
excisetaxamount | Automated Excise Tax Amount | 3.36 |
sales | Retail Sales Tax | SALES |
salestaxname | Retail Sales Tax | SALES TAX |
harvest_date | Date–Time product was harvested | 2019-09-13T12:25:28 |
external_id | Customer Assigned External ID | HYBRID_009 |
total_mg_thc | Total MG of THC | 70 |
total_mg_cbd | Total mg of CBD | 30 |
extraction_method | Extraction Method | SOLID |
thc_perc | THC Percent | 0.34 |
cbd_perc | CBD Percent | 0 |
package_size | Package Size | SINGLE-UNIT |
productbrand | Customer Defined Brand | 10 BAG |
productname | Customer Defined Product Name | GSC 3.5G |
classification | Classification | INDICA |
size | Customer Defined Size | 1G |
thc_ratio | THC Ratio | 0 |
repeat_purch_sku | Boolean: Has the customer purchased this item before? 1 = Y, 0 = N | 0 |
zip | Customer Zipcode | 94930 |
lat | Customer Lat | 32.38975 |
lng | Customer Lng | -111.37702 |
income_household_median | Average Income for Zip Code | 58672 |
BATCH_LAST_RUN | Last Date-Time updated | 2020-10-06T10:30:14 |
city | Customer City | FAIRFAX |
county_name | Customer County | MARIN COUNTY |
state_name | Customer State | CALIFORNIA |
region | State Region | BAY AREA |
store_state | State Store is located in | CA |
year | Year of Purchase | 2021 |
month | Month of Purchase | 9 |
week_year | Year - Week | 2020-38 |
BATCH_ID | Last Run Job ID | 203 |
demo_store | Boolean: Is this the demo store? TRUE = Y, FALSE = N | False |
Updated 22 days ago